I saw one of my students.....jumping all around the sch...with his leg injured....sam, i feel so sorry to see u jumping.....haha...but still cannot stand to laugh...today oso, is the last day..the form 5 basket ball team playing the last round, is it?? ...but without sam, sam cannot jumping inside the basketball court....pity him.....
Today i receive something frm the form 5, my class 5H.....after half a year i teach them....guess what they gave me.....
Before open, it looks like this:

After open it, it is a:

Thanx, Tariq.
Another student give me this:

Is a mug......haha!! Thanx, MCWM.
Then, last but not least, my class gave me this:

a thank you card....
It comes like this:
Let me zoom in...for u all to see the pic on the envelope.....

the skinny one is: handsome Benji
the one with walking aids is: big mouth Sam
The contents inside the card....got another pic... I nvr know these guys are very imaginative and good in drawing....haha....
The text written are: Budak 5H (the small rabbit)
Mama Tien (the big rabbit)
Can any1 interpret this pic for me? any hidden meanings behind it? I am nothing more than a long ears rabbit.......sobs.....I am too young to become your mama....you all dun pretend to be so innoccent as small rabbits.....!!! i should be the small rabbit instead...and u all should be the big rabbit with horns coming out.....wakakaka......
Okeylah....out of the 3 gifts...i like the card the most....something original and creative......thanx......dude.....
Finally, spm is just next week...dun be weary, or too anxious; relax when step into the exam room....esp on the first day......My supportive spirit will always be with you.....dun ever leave the exam table, before the time finish no matter the paper is easy or tough.....Good luck to u all, and all the best....ya.....in spm.....
~signing off~